
How do I evaluate the project’c profitability?

You can check the overall profitability of the project from the Projects module or from the Reports module.

To check the profitability from the Projects module:

  • Go to the Time Tracking module and click Projects.
  • Select the project for which you wish to check the profitability.
  • Click Profitability Summary from the overview page.

You can view the project’s profitability in a chart format right based on the revenue and expenses associated with the project. To view a detailed report, you can click Profitability Report that is displayed below the Income and Expense graph. This will redirect to the Profit and Loss report of the specific project.

To check the profitability report from the Reports module:

  • Go to the Reports Module in the left sidebar.
  • In the Business Overview section, select Profit and Loss.
  • Click Customize Report in the top left corner of the page.
  • Select Project from the Advance filter dropdown and select the name of the project from the adjacent dropdown.
  • Click Run Report.

With the report fetched, you can analyse the overall profitability for your project.

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