
How do I enable Zoho Inventory add-ons in Zoho Books?


  1. You should be subscribed to any one of the paid plans of Zoho Books.
  2. You should be subscribed to any one of the paid plans of Zoho Inventory.

To enable Zoho Inventory add-on,

  • Navigate to Settings and select General under Preferences.
  • Check the box Enable Zoho Inventory modules in Zoho Books under the section Zoho Inventory Add on.

Upon enabling Zoho Inventory Add-on for your organization, you will be able to use the following modules of Zoho Inventory within Zoho Books: Item Groups, Composite Items, Packages, Picklists, Shipments, Purchase Receives, Sales Returns and Transfer Orders.

Note: If you are subscribed to the Elite or Ultimate plans of Zoho Books, Advanced Inventory capabilities is a part of your plan. Visit the pricing page to know the Inventory features you will be able to access.

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