
I’m getting an error message that states, “This currency cannot be edited because it has been used in transactions- Error 3001”. How do I resolve this?

If you are subscribed to the Zoho Books Professional, or Premium plan, you can assign a single currency to each customer profile. Consequently, you can only associate projects with a customer using a single currency.

In Zoho Projects, it is possible to create projects using multiple currencies. However, if you have synchronised a project with a specific currency to Zoho Books, and you attempt to sync another project with a different currency under the same customer profile, this error will occur.

To resolve this error, you can:

  1. Add a new primary client for the project:

By adding a new primary client, a new customer profile will be created in Zoho Books with the corresponding project currency. However, the original customer profile (synced from the initial primary client) will still be retained in Zoho Books. This allows you to sync the project seamlessly without encountering the currency-related issue.

  1. Upgrade to Zoho Books “Elite” plan:

If you prefer not to add a new primary client, you can consider upgrading to the Elite plan. This plan provides you with the ability to associate multiple currencies with a single customer.

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