
How do I associate an employee with an expense?

To associate an employee with an expense, you have to enable the option in the Expenses module’s preferences. Here’s how:

  • Go to Settings on the top right corner of the page.
  • Click Expenses under Purchases.
  • In the Preferences tab, check the Associate employees to expenses option.
  • Click Save.
Check the Associate employees to expenses option

Now, to associate an employee with an expense:

  • Go to the Purchases module in the left sidebar and select Expenses.

  • Click + New on the top right corner to create a new expense.

  • To associate an employee with an existing expense, select the expense and click Edit at the top of the expense’s details page.

  • On the following page, click the dropdown next to the Employee field and click Manage Employees.

Click Manage Employees from the dropdown next to the Employee field
  • In the Manage Employees pop-up, click + Add New Employee.
Click + Add New Employee in the Manage Employees pop-up
  • Enter the employee’s email address and name.
  • Click Save.
Enter the employee details
  • Click Save at the bottom of the page to save the expense.

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