
What are the cases when workflow rules will not get executed in Zoho Books?

Workflow rules will not be triggered under the following instances:

  • Transaction created / updated by another custom function.

Workflow rules will not be executed for transactions that have been created or updated by another custom function.

For instance, let’s consider a workflow rule is configured to trigger an email alert when the invoice status changes to SENT, automatically notifying the admin users in the Zoho Books organization. This rule will not be executed for invoices created by a custom function within Zoho Books or invoices created through custom functions from third-party applications. Even if the invoice status satisfies the trigger condition of the Workflow rule, it will not be executed in these cases.

  • Transactions that are synced from other Zoho Applications.

Workflow rules will not be executed for transactions that have been created and synced to Zoho Books from a different Zoho application.

For example, the workflow rule set up in Zoho Books will not be executed for invoices that are created and synced to Zoho Books from Zoho Inventory.

  • Transactions that are imported.

Workflow rules will not get executed for transactions that are imported to the system. In order to execute the workflow rules for the imported transactions, you have to edit each of those transactions and save them individually.

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