Host podcasts from home
It's a great time to work remotely—technology lets you chat with guests without leaving your safe space. Our free Zoho Meeting integration for Bookings offers excellent audio and video quality, as well as recording functionality, so you can deliver exceptional podcasts without compromising.

Keep your calendars synced
Connect your work and personal calendars with Zoho Bookings. Whenever you have a commitment elsewhere, we'll make sure to block that time off your booking page so you don't accidentally double book.
Everything you need to successfully coordinate interviews
Time zones
Interview international guests confidently, knowing that your booking page automatically alters time slots to their time zone. Email notifications also include appointment details in your respective time zones to reduce confusion.
Calendar dashboard
Access upcoming appointments on your calendar dashboard. Events from your Google and other Zoho calendars will be synced as well so you don’t have to verify your schedule every time.
Interview summaries
Look back at old interviews, referring to dates and notes you made during the discussion. Zoho Bookings maintains a printable record of every appointment.
Cancellations and rescheduling
Set up flexible policies for guests to alter interview dates and times. You can allocate specific due dates so that in case of unexpected delays, you’re prepared to bring in an alternative guest.
Email and text alerts
Ensure your guests don’t forget to turn up for interviews. Configure up to three custom email and SMS notifications at specific intervals to give them a gentle reminder.
Buffer times
Avoid back-to-back appointments by allocating a buffer between interviews. Whether it’s 15, 30, or 45 minutes, you can catch a break even on a busy day.
Flexible duration
Allow your guests to choose how long they want to be interviewed for. Not everyone can commit to an hour-long discussion, but they could still agree to two 20-minute sessions.
Custom time slots
Work only when you can. For instance, if you’re taking a long weekend starting Thursday or Friday, you can uncheck those days so they don’t even show up on your booking page.
Custom fields
Know your guests better. Aside from the default name and contact details, you can also ask for question suggestions, links and references, and more during the scheduling process.
Branded booking page
Customize your booking page to include your logo and social media profiles and to reflect your brand’s tone and messaging. You can even embed it on your website or launch it on your custom domain name.
Online courses
Compile your podcast lessons as a course and offer it online for people to register. You can manage your course alongside the interview scheduling process.