Having a CRM in place and still losing leads in the pipeline from back and forth emails or calls?

That is a nightmare for any sales representative.

After all, your sales team can try their best to reach and convert leads, but what can they do if leads don't respond?

A CRM backed by robust appointment scheduling software should do the trick!

Appointment scheduling software is a tool your sales team can use to engage with prospects easily and make it easy for leads to book a meeting.

The time between engaging a prospect and onboarding them as a customer is crucial for any business.

Any time lost or delays during the conversion process can mean losing a sale. The most time-consuming sales activities are:

  •   01

    Choosing the perfect time with the leads for a sales meeting

  •   02

    Creating and sending them the video conferencing link

  •   03

    Sending them reminders for the meeting through email or SMS

An effective appointment scheduling software like Zoho Bookings is all you need to automate these processes and increase conversions.

Zoho Bookings is all you need to automate these processes and increase conversions.
Zoho Bookings is all you need to automate these processes and increase conversions.

Appointment scheduling powered by Zoho Bookings + Zoho CRM!

The perfect combination to meet with more customers and guarantee more sales.


Reduce no-shows and double bookings

  • Sync meetings to your personal or CRM calendar
  • Set up automatic email/SMS reminders

No need to switch tabs or apps

  • View the appointment itinerary inside CRM and plan meetings
  • Schedule sales meetings easily from CRM
  • Book meetings and notify prospects from one place


  • Save time with automation and improve sales
  • Eliminate manual data entry into CRM
  • Convert more leads to customers

Your sales team will make it a habit to increase conversions, off the chart.

Using Zoho CRM and haven't integrated with Zoho Bookings yet? Try it today!

Start a 15-day free trial with Zoho Bookings

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