Get more info about customers in a single click!

How would it be if you could navigate to a customer’s Twitter profile in a single click from your CRM account?

Or, how about Facebook profiles?

How much easier could selling get?

As a Zoho CRM User, you can now create custom links that help you use your customer data in an efficient manner. You might depend on other online Apps for information – like Zoho Support for tracking your Customer Support Requests. By defining custom links, you can navigate to the required service directly from your CRM account.

How’s this making selling easy? Well, take this case. Before talking to a prospect, it’s obvious that you’ll do your homework. You’ll gather information about the prospect from several sources – Social Media being the primary source. By taking the ‘Twitter’ field as the reference, you can create a custom link for the Contacts module. Then, all it takes is one click. You land on your prospect’s Twitter profile instantly. You save time spent on searching, and you can do what you are good at – selling!

This is just one of the many possibilities. Weather, Maps, Search… it’s all at the click of a button.

Construct your own links and do let me know how it worked for you. Add your comments right below.

– Sharanya R


10 Replies to Get more info about customers in a single click!

  1. I would also like the ability to construct the Subject of a record from data entered into other fields on the form. This is a very powerful feature once enabled for all of the standardization and searching reasons described by Diego.Thank You.

  2. The functionality enabled to construct links in Zoho using fields is GREAT. This exact same functionality/feature should be enabled to automatically construct the subject for each record in all the modules.Currently one has to enter the information manually, which is prone to error, eludes standarization of record naming and it's painfully time consuming. You will be saving thousands of man hours for all your customers if you enabled this simple change.I have already entered this request in the forums, but received no responoses.Something else in regards to Linkedin. Couldn't Zoho have linked the customer's email to the linkedin email to enable the relationship? The current process of linking the contact manually is taxing and inefficiente. Unless there is some policy limitation that I am unaware of, the current design is very limited.Thanks.

  3. I like this feature a lot, but you need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel. Just integrate with rapportive, which has recently been acquired by linkedin.

  4. We are using the chrome plug in "rapportive".We find it essential in our daily email / CRM. We SEE the client faces. Rapportive automagically pulls the client info from FB / linkedin/ G+ etc.When will ZohoCRM have similiar? The current face UI for ZohoCRM is a pale shade of useless by comparison.

  5. Thanks for implementing this, we've been needing it for a while. It's very easy to implement and works well. A couple of possible improvements suggested below:- architecturally, it probably makes more sense for the existing LinkedIn function that was recently introduced to work in the same way: the limitation with the existing LinkedIn function is that it only provides a snapshot of the LinkedIn information; an implementation of the new custom link functionality for LinkedIn would enable users to benefit from the full Linked in with a single click
    - it would be good from a user's perspective to have pre-configured custom links for popular platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.Thanks, we'll be using this quite a lot.

  6. Dear Daragh,>> The only questions I have are; where are the link strings stored and is it possible to update it through the API?Could you please elaborate your requirement for updating the "Links" via API. Do you want to have support for creating and updating the "Links" ( which you have to do it now in setup --> Customization --> Links) through API or want to have it at individual record level. If your need is at individual record level, then we are not clear about your requirement as "link" could automatically take the fields values for corresponding records based on the configuration (merge fields selected for a link). If the record field values get changed, then link url parameter also would get changed. Please feel free to post your requirements and use case.Thanks & Regards,

  7. Dear Finn,>> Downside is that URL function ini zoho are limited so I running out of caracters… and have to paste url address into the decription field as ordinary text. This is not that most elegant way to build customer info..Thank you for using Zoho CRM and posting your feedback. Your above point is valid and we need to address this. We will check the same and fix it in the upcoming update. Please bear with us till then and please feel free to post your further suggestions and feedback, if any,Thanks & Regards,

  8. Hi Using zohocrm here in Norway... Great adding in links to customer / prospects web site and social media. One issue to enhance Zohocrm... I have added a cutsom field addressing a public business URL web site. Downside is that URL function ini zoho are limited so I running out of caracters... and have to paste url address into the decription field as ordinary text. This is not that most elegant way to build customer info..Example: too long..Extend this limitation would help a lotBest regardsFinn

  9. This is great news Sharanya.
    We were using text fields to store dynamic URLs which worked very well. Unfortunately this functionality was removed from the old and new version recently. The only questions I have are; where are the link strings stored and is it possible to update it through the API?

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