
Is it possible to make payments to my vendors using Zoho Books?

Yes, you can make payments to your vendors directly from Zoho Books using the Forte payment gateway. To make payments to your vendors you’ll have to do two things:

Integrate Your Zoho Books Organization With Your Forte Account

  • Go to Settings in the top right corner of the page.
  • Click Vendor Payment under Online Payments.
  • Click Set up Now next to CSG Forte.
  • In the pop up that appears:
    • If you don’t have an account in Forte, click Create a Forte Account. You’ll be redirected to Forte’s website for Zoho where you can create your Forte account.
    • If you already have an Forte account, enter the Merchant ID, API Login ID, Secure Transaction Key, Transaction Password, Bank Account, and Payment Option.
  • Click Save.

Add the Bank Details of Your Vendor

  • Go to Purchases on the left sidebar and select Vendors.
  • Select the vendor to whom you’re making the payment.
  • Click More in the top right corner of the vendor’s Details page and select Add Bank Account from the dropdown.
  • In the pop up that appears, enter the Account Number, Account Type, Routing Number, and Authorization Type.
  • Click Save.

Now, to pay your vendor:

  • Go to the Purchases module on the left sidebar and Bills.
  • Select the bill for which you have to make the payment.
  • Click the down arrow next to Record Payment in the top right corner of the bill’s Details page and click Pay via ACH from the dropdown.
  • On the pop up that appears, verify the details and click Proceed.

With this, the amount will be transferred to your vendor’s bank account, and the bill’s status will be updated as Paid.

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