Integrate Zoho Books with KeyPay

Integrate your KeyPay account with Zoho Books to facilitate easy and seamless payroll accounting. With this integration, you can keep track of your pay period’s costs including earnings, taxes, allowances, and reimbursements in the respective journals of Zoho Books.

Connect KeyPay with Zoho Books

Prerequisite: An account with KeyPay and Zoho Books.

To set up the integration:

Zoho Books Zoho Books Connect

If you haven’t set up your chart of accounts, you can do so by checking the set up a chart of accounts option.

Zoho Books Org

After selecting the Zoho Books organisation, if you have location specific reporting tags configured in Zoho Books, you can select them here to specify the location.

Reporting Tags

Set Reporting Tags

Once you have set up your integration, you can choose which location you want to use, with the help of location-specific reporting tags configured in Zoho Books. Here’s how:

Locations Locations

If you add a new reporting tag in Zoho Books and want it to be reflected in KeyPay, you will have to go to the integration page in KeyPay and click the Edit icon within the Zoho Books card and click Save.

Map Accounts

The payroll accounts that are imported from KeyPay will be mapped automatically to your chart of accounts in Zoho Books. You can also map the accounts manually. Here’s how:

Note: You can select the same account for multiple transaction types.

If there are any manually added accounts in Zoho Books, you can import them into your KeyPay account by clicking the + Import Accounts button in the top right corner of the page.

Import Journal Entries into Zoho Books

On successful completion of a pay run, you can import journals into Zoho Books. Here’s how:

To View the imported journals in Zoho Books:

The imported journals will be in the Draft status. You can view the journals and then Publish them to reflect their data in reports.

You will have to import your pay runs into Zoho Books every time you’ve made a change. Doing this will automatically delete the previous journals and update them with the recent change.

Once a pay run has been deleted in KeyPay, the corresponding journal entry will be deleted automatically in Zoho Books.

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