Session Callbacks
These are the various callbacks you will receive during the session.
For disconnection during a session
//Parameter state: SocketDisconnectStatus is an enum reason for the disconnection.
func didSocket(disconnected state: AssistSDK.SocketDisconnectStatus)
When connection is established.
func didSessionConnected()
For change in image quality.
//Parameter quality: image quality
func didChangeImage(quality: AssistSDK.ScreenQuality)
Whenever the participant's state changes, this method will be triggered to handle the updated state accordingly.
//Parameter participant: Particpant object
func didChanage(participant: AssistSDK.Participant)
If a chat message is received by the technician.
// Parameter chat: Chat info
func didReceived(chat: AssistSDK.Chat)
Waiting for Customer Consent. Its mandatory to set completion true to continue the streaming. Setting false will end the session, indicating that the customer does not want to join the session
// - Parameter completion: completion block
func waitingForCustomerConcern(completion: @escaping (Bool) -> ())
Video Streaming Enablement. Video streaming is influenced by factors such as viewer codec support and device capabilities. If you want to force image streaming set false.
// var is_video_streaming_enabled: Bool { get }
To list the available features during a session.
// func onFeaturesReceived(_ features: NSArray)