Getting Started

Zoho Account

Having a Zoho account is an absolute must to be able to use the Zoho Assist SDK for iOS. If you do not have an account yet, sign up for one by visiting this link.



Create an XCode project.

Go to File -> New -> Target -> Select Broadcast Upload Extension in your XCode and add it to your project.

You can include the SDK into your XCode project using either of two methods:


Method 1: By embedding the framework into your project. Click here to see how embedding is done in iOS.


Method 2: Installation using Cocoapods.


Replace this code in your Podfile and then use appropriate target names.

Copiedtarget 'BroadCastApp' do

pod "AssistSDK", :git => '' 
# Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks 

# Pods for BroadCastApp 


target 'ScreenShareDemo' do 
pod "AssistSDK", :git => '' 

# Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks 

# Pods for ScreenShareDemo 