Zoho CRM integration
Zoho CRM integration with Apptics enables you to analyze in-app insights from Apptics alongside the customer data available within your Zoho CRM dashboard. It helps you gain deeper insights into customer behavior and make well-informed business decisions for your app.
As of now, the Apptics-CRM integration supports data sync from the events module, allowing you to push and view 14 data points related to the events logged in Apptics within the Zoho CRM console. They include the event name, event group, event trigger time, user email, platform, application ID, app version, OS version, SDK version, country, device type, device model, and mode.
Configure Zoho CRM integration
You can start configuring CRM integration in the Apptics console once you have the Zoho CRM setup ready for your organization.
- Navigate to Project Settings Integrations and click on Zoho CRM.
- Choose the application ID for which you want to enable the integration.
- Choose your Zoho CRM organization from the drop-down. (You can do the configuration only if you have an account in Zoho CRM for your organization.)
- Choose the events that you want to push to CRM. You can either choose to sync data for "All events" or select the individual events you want to push to your CRM dashboard.
- Click Save and you have successfully enabled Zoho CRM integration for the chosen application ID.
Analyze Apptics data in your CRM dashboard
Once you have completed the integration, a custom module called Apptics Events will be available in the Zoho CRM console.
- Navigate to the CRM dashboard, click on the three dots (...) in the top menu, and select Apptics Events from the dropdown list.
- Now, you can view all the event data synced from Apptics and filter out data based on default system defined filters and the event data fields such as app versions, application ID, event name, etc.