Slack Integration
Slack integration offers real time notifications for crashes, non-fatal, in-app feedback, or store reviews that you receive for your app.
You can do the configuration once you create an account in Slack for your organization. You can create a Slack account following the steps given here.
Integrate Slack workspace with Apptics
Navigate to Project Settings > Integrations and click on Slack.
- Click on Configure and you will get redirected to Slack's sign-in page for authentication.
- Provide the Slack workspace URL you want to integrate and sign in with the necessary credentials.
- Once the verification is done, your slack workspace will get integrated with Apptics.
Configure Slack integration in Apptics for Crashes
- Navigate to Project Settings > Integrations and click on Slack.
- Choose the application ID for which you want to enable Slack integration.
- You will see four options, i.e. Crashes, Non-fatal, In-app Feedback, and Store Reviews. You need to configure Slack integration for each module individually.
- Click on Config under the module that you want to configure the integration. (To configure for crashes module, click on Config under Crashes.)
- Choose the Slack channel in which you want to get notified and the type of crash reports you want to receive.
Click Save and you have successfully configured Slack integration for the crashes module. You can configure integration for the rest of the modules similarly.