Custom properties
Custom properties are additional attributes that you can define and add to the Events. The custom properties add depth to the data points and provide you deeper insights on user behaviour, engagement, and interactions using filters and aggregate functions.
Examples and use cases
Usecase 1
Imagine the signup event which can happen both organically or via referrals. Adding custom properties to the signup event will help you to further drill down the data and answer the following questions.
- How many sign ups happened in the last 7 days?
- How many sign ups were organic?
- How many sign ups happened via referrals?
Usecase 2
For an e-learning app, lesson complete is an Event where the duration can be added as a custom property. The aggregate function in Custom property will help by proving the below insights.
- Average duration for lesson completion.
- Max. and min. duration for lesson completion.
Filter Events with Properties
You can filter Events based on the properties. Follow the steps mentioned below.
- Navigate to Quality > Custom Properties.
- Select the Event from which you want to filter the Properties.
- You can also choose `All Events`, if you need to filter the Properties across all the registered Events.
- Define the Property criteria based on which you want to filter the Events. You can configure the relevant criteria with multiple properties using And/Or options.
Let's say we have a signup event with source and region properties. We need to filter sign ups that happened organically within the India region. You can form a criteria pattern as show below.
List to Property comparison functions
Function | Data Types |
equals | String/Number |
contains | String |
not contains | String |
is not null | String/Number |
in | Number |
not in | Number |
greater than | Number |
less than | Number |
greater than or equal to | Number |
less than or equal to | Number |
between | Number |
not between | Number |
- Click Apply and a table of filtered Events will be shown along with the total Events count.
Other Filters
In combination with the property criteria filter, you can use the advanced filters for deeper insights.
For example, if you need to find the total sign ups that happened organically in a particular app version, you can use the filter option.
- Click Filter > App version.
- Select the required app version and click Apply.
Aggregate Property
Aggregation option in Custom Properties are used to compute aggregation of property, values, averages, and can also be grouped based on the property value.
List of aggregate functions
Function | Description |
Sum | Sum of all values |
Avg | Average of all values |
Min | Minimum of all values |
Max | Maximum of all values |
Count | Count of all values |
Let's take the lesson complete event with duration as the number property for the time taken to complete the lesson. And we now want to find the average duration taken by users to complete the lesson.
Using the Avg. aggregate function, you can filter the users that fit the criteria mentioned above.
- Choose Avg. from aggregation operation and select the property which you want to compute the average. In this case, let's take the duration property.
- Click Apply and you will get the average duration taken by users to complete the lesson.
Group by operation
Considering the same lesson complete scenario, let's use another property as lesson name and find the average duration taken by users to complete the lesson. We can use the Group by operation for this.
- Choose Avg from aggregation operation and select the property for which you want to compute the average. (In this case it is the duration property)
- In the group by drop-down, choose the property to group by the aggregation (lesson name property).
Managing Properties
Custom properties are limited to a total of 100 unique properties and each Event can have a maximum of 25 properties.
You can always review and delete the unnecessary properties.
- Navigate to Quality > Custom Properties > Manage Properties.
- A list of all the custom properties is available along with their data types.
- Click on the individual property and click the Bin icon to delete property permanently.
- Once the property is deleted, it cannot be retrieved. No tracking will happen for the delete property.
- The associated data (before the property was deleted) will be available in the Apptics console.
Supported datatypes
Custom properties supports the following data types.
- String
- Number
- Boolean
Note: Note: Property data type cannot be changed once the property has been registered. Property will be ignored if the value is of a different data type from the one previously registered.
Naming conventions for Custom Properties
Custom properties should follow the below conventions else the property may not be tracked.
- Should not be more than 50 chars.
- Should start with an alphabet.
- Should not contain any space or special chars except underscore (_).
- Should not start with 'ap_' or 'AP_'.
- Property value can be a number (init, float, double, long), boolean, or string. Other data types such as JSONObject or JSONArray will be converted to string.
- Property value length should not be more than 250 chars.