User Profiling

You can add multiple users for the analytics data but all the data will be mapped to a single primary user (by default).

You can change the primary user at runtime.

You cannot remove the current primary user. During sign-out, you will have to change to the primary user and then call remove user.

Add the user using the below function.

Copiedawait AppticsAnalytics.User.UserUtil.SetUser("UserId", IsPrimaryuser); 
  • Show the user consent popup using the below code. You can decide to show the consent popup only once for all users, or once for each user.
Copiedawait AppticsAnalytics.User.UserUtil.ShowUserConsentPopup( bool ShowOnlyOnce);
  • Remove a user, using the below code.
Copiedawait AppticsAnalytics.User.UserUtil.RemoveUser("UserId");
  • To check for a primary user, use the below code.
Copiedawait AppticsAnalytics.User.UserUtil.GetPrimaryUser();
  • To change the primary user, use the below code.
Copiedawait AppticsAnalytics.User.UserUtil.ChangePrimaryUser(string UserId);

Customize the consent pop-up

Consent pop-up can be customized based on your requirements. To customize the consent pop-up, you can apply certain style elements to the same.

CopiedCustomStyle customStyle = new CustomStyle();

  Style buttonStyle = new Style(typeof(Button));
  buttonStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(Button.ForegroundProperty, Colors.Red));
	 customStyle.ButtonStyle = buttonStyle;

Similarly, crash consent pop-up can be customized too.

CopiedCustomStyle customStyle = new CustomStyle();

Style buttonStyle = new Style(typeof(Button)); 
buttonStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(Button.ForegroundProperty, Colors.Red));
customStyle.ButtonStyle = buttonStyle;

Add privacy settings

You can use Apptics' settings to monitor three parameters, i.e., In-app usage stats, Crash reporting, and Enabling user id.

The mentioned parameters can be managed in two ways.

  • Through the SET & GET method.
  • Through the Settings control that will manage all the values.

SET and GET method

  • To track the in-app usage, call the below method and set the value to True. If the value is set to False, in-app usage won't be tracked.

SET the value

CopiedAppticsAnalytics.AppticsTracker.SetAnalaticsTracking(bool OnOff)

GET the value

  • To report a crash, call the below method and set the value to True. If the value is set to False, the crashes won't be reported.

SET the value

CopiedAppticsAnalytics.AppticsTracker.SetCrashTracking(bool OnOff)

GET the value 

  • To enable the user id, call the below method and set the value to True. If the value is set to False, the user id won't be enabled.
  • If the user id is enabled, it will be included in the Crash reports. If not, then the crashes will be reported anonymously.

SET the value 

CopiedAppticsAnalytics.AppticsTracker.SetIncludeUserId(bool OnOff)

GET the value 


You can also use your own custom pop-up and use the Apptics SDK.

  • Call the below SDK functions to present the custom pop-up.

Settings control

Follow the below steps to manage and monitor the three parameters, i.e., in-app usage, crash reporting, and enabling user id.

  • ​Include the namespace xmlns:apptics="using:AppticsAnalytics.Settings" in the XAML page.
  • Include the code to plug-in the settings control into your application.​