Package reportclient

import "zoho/pkg/reportclient"


func AddRow(tableuri string, columnvalues map[string]string) (addedrows interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)
func AutoGenReports(tableuri string, source string, params map[string]string) (result interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)
func CopyDatabase(dburi, newdbname, dbkey string, params map[string]string) (newdbid string, SeErr *ServerException)
func CreateSimilarViews(tableuri, refview, foldername string, customformula, aggformula bool, params map[string]string) (result interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)
func DisableDomainDB(useruri, dbname, domainname string, params map[string]string) (result interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)
func DuplicateViews(dburi, viewtocopy, newviewname string, params map[string]string) (result string, SeErr *ServerException)
func EnableDomainDB(useruri, dbname, domainname string, params map[string]string) (result interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)
func GetCopyDbKey(dburi string) (dbkey string, SeErr *ServerException)
func GetDatabaseMetadata(uri, metadata string) (metainfo interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)
func GetDatabaseName(useruri, dbid string) (databasename string, SeErr *ServerException)
func GetDbUri(emailid, dbname string) string
func GetEmbedUrl(tableuri string, params map[string]string) (embedurl string, SeErr *ServerException)
func GetInfo(tableuri string) (info interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)
func GetUri(emailid, dbname, tbname string) string
func GetUserUri(emailid string) string
func GetUsers(useruri string, params map[string]string) (userslist interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)
func GetViewUrl(tableuri string) (viewurl string, SeErr *ServerException)
func GetViewname(useruri, objid string) (viewname string, SeErr *ServerException)
func Getinfo(resp interface{}) interface{}
func Getkeyinfo(resp interface{}, key string) interface{}
func HideColumn(tableuri string, columnnames []string, params map[string]string) (result interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)
func IsDbExist(useruri string, dbname string, params map[string]string) (result string, SeErr *ServerException)
func SendImportRequest(config map[string]string) (msg interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)
func SendRequest(config map[string]string, isreturn bool) (msg interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)
func SetAuthToken(authtoken string)
func ShowColumn(tableuri string, columnnames []string, params map[string]string) (result interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)
func UrlSplCharReplace(value string) string
type ImportResult
    func ImportData(tableuri, file, importtype, autoidentity, onerror string, params map[string]string) (ImportResult, *ServerException)
type PlanInfo
    func GetPlanInfo(useruri string) (PlanInfo, *ServerException)
type ServerException
    func ActivateUser(useruri, emailIds string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func AddColumn(tableuri, columnname, datatype string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func AddDbOwner(dburi, emailIds string, params map[string]string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func AddLookup(tableuri, columnname, refertable, refercolumn, onerror string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func AddUser(useruri, emailIds string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func CopyFormula(tableuri, formulaname, dbname, dbkey string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func CopyReports(dburi, viewname, dbname, dbkey string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func CreateTable(dburi, tableconfig string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func DeActivateUser(useruri, emailIds string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func DeleteColumn(tableuri, columnname string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func DeleteData(tableuri string, params map[string]string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func DeleteDatabase(useruri, dbname string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func ExportData(tableuri, file, outputformat string, params map[string]string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func RemoveDbOwner(dburi, emailIds string, params map[string]string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func RemoveLookup(tableuri, columnname string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func RemoveShare(dburi, emailIds string, params map[string]string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func RemoveUser(useruri, emailIds string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func RenameColumn(tableuri, olcolumnname, newcolumnname string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func RenameView(dburi, viewname, newviewname, newdesc string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func ShareView(dburi, emailIds, views string, params map[string]string) (SeErr *ServerException)
    func UpdateData(tableuri string, params map[string]string) (SeErr *ServerException)
type ShareInfo
    func GetShareInfo(dburi string) (ShareInfo, *ServerException)


var (
    HostUri        = ""
    RequestUri     string
    Action         string
    OutputFormat   = "JSON"
    ErrorFormat    = "JSON"
    AuthToken      string
    ApiVersion     = "1.0"
    Importfilepath string
    Exportfilename string

func AddRow

func AddRow(tableuri string, columnvalues map[string]string) (addedrows interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)

AddRow - Adds row to the specified table identified by the URI.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

columnvalues - Contains the values for the row. The column name(s) are the key.

addedrows - Successfully added rows with value.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func AutoGenReports

func AutoGenReports(tableuri string, source string, params map[string]string) (result interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)

AutoGenReports - Generate reports for table or column.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

source - Should be column or table.

params - Can contain any additional params.

result - Returns Generated result as interface.

ServerException - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func CopyDatabase

func CopyDatabase(dburi, newdbname, dbkey string, params map[string]string) (newdbid string, SeErr *ServerException)

CopyDatabase - Copy a specified database identified by the URI.

dburi - The URI of the database.

newdbname - Contains new database name.

dbkey - Contains database key of the source database.

params - Contains any additional control parameters. Can be null.

newdbid - The new database id.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func CreateSimilarViews

func CreateSimilarViews(tableuri, refview, foldername string, customformula, aggformula bool, params map[string]string) (result interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)

CreateSimilarViews - Create reports similar as another table reports.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

refview - The reference table name.

foldername - Folder name where the reports to be saved.

customformula - If true, it will create reports with custom formula else it will ignore that formula.

aggformula - If true, it will create reports with aggregate formula else it will ignore that formula.

params - Can contain any additional params.

result - Returns Generated result as interface.

ServerException - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func DisableDomainDB

func DisableDomainDB(useruri, dbname, domainname string, params map[string]string) (result interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)

DisableDomainDB - Disable database in custom domain..

useruri - The URI of the user.

dbname - The database names which you want to disable from your custom domain.

domainname - Custom domain name.

params - Can contain any additional params.

result - Returns Generated result as interface.

ServerException - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func DuplicateViews

func DuplicateViews(dburi, viewtocopy, newviewname string, params map[string]string) (result string, SeErr *ServerException)

DuplicateViews - Copy views within the database(Save as).

dburi - The URI of the database.

viewtocopy - The reference view name.

newviewname - New view name.

params - Can contain any additional params.

result - Duplicate views result.

ServerException - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func EnableDomainDB

func EnableDomainDB(useruri, dbname, domainname string, params map[string]string) (result interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)

EnableDomainDB - Enable database for custom domain..

useruri - The URI of the user.

dbname - The database names which you want to show in your custom domain.

domainname - Custom domain name.

params - Can contain any additional params.

result - Returns Generated result as interface.

ServerException - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func GetCopyDbKey

func GetCopyDbKey(dburi string) (dbkey string, SeErr *ServerException)

GetCopyDbKey - Get database key for the particular database.

dburi - The URI of the database.

dbkey - Returns the database key.

ServerException - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func GetDatabaseMetadata

func GetDatabaseMetadata(uri, metadata string) (metainfo interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)

GetDatabaseMetadata - This method is used to get the meta information about the reports.

uri - The URI of the user or database.

metadata - It specifies the information to be fetched.

metainfo - Contains the metadata.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func GetDatabaseName

func GetDatabaseName(useruri, dbid string) (databasename string, SeErr *ServerException)

GetDatabaseName - Get database name for a specified database identified by the URI.

useruri - The URI of the user.

dbid - The ID of the database.

databasename - Contains the Database name.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func GetDbUri

func GetDbUri(emailid, dbname string) string

GetDbUri - Returns the URI for the specified database in the zoho reports account.

emailid - Emailid of the user.

dbname - Name of the database.

func GetEmbedUrl

func GetEmbedUrl(tableuri string, params map[string]string) (embedurl string, SeErr *ServerException)

GetEmbedUrl - This method is used to get the embed URL of the particular table / view. This API is available only for the White Label Administrator.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

params - Contains any additional control parameters. Can be null.

embedurl - The embed URI.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func GetInfo

func GetInfo(tableuri string) (info interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)

GetInfo - This method returns the Database ID (DBID) and View ID (OBJID) of the corresponding Database.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

info - Contains the View-Id (object id) and Database-Id.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func GetUri

func GetUri(emailid, dbname, tbname string) string

GetUri - Returns the URI for the specified table in the zoho reports account.

emailid - Emailid of the user.

dbname - Name of the database.

tbname - Name of the table.

func GetUserUri

func GetUserUri(emailid string) string

GetUserUri - Returns the URI for the specified user login email id.

emailid - Emailid of the user.

func GetUsers

func GetUsers(useruri string, params map[string]string) (userslist interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)

GetUsers - Return all the users list for that account.

useruri - The URI of the user.

params - Can contain any additional params.

userslist - Returns userslist as interface.

ServerException - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func GetViewUrl

func GetViewUrl(tableuri string) (viewurl string, SeErr *ServerException)

GetViewUrl - This method returns the URL to access the mentioned view.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

viewurl - The view URI.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func GetViewname

func GetViewname(useruri, objid string) (viewname string, SeErr *ServerException)

GetViewname - This function returns the name of a view in Zoho Reports.

useruri - The URI of the user.

objid - The view id (object id).

viewname - Contains the View name.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func Getinfo

func Getinfo(resp interface{}) interface{}

Internally used.

func Getkeyinfo

func Getkeyinfo(resp interface{}, key string) interface{}

Internally used.

func HideColumn

func HideColumn(tableuri string, columnnames []string, params map[string]string) (result interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)

HideColumn - Hide the specified columns in the particular table.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

columnnames - Contains array of column names.

params - Can contain any additional params.

result - Returns Generated result as interface.

ServerException - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func IsDbExist

func IsDbExist(useruri string, dbname string, params map[string]string) (result string, SeErr *ServerException)

IsDbExist - Used to check wheather the database is exist or not.

useruri - The URI of the user.

dbname - The database name.

params - Can contain any additional params.

result - Returns isdbexist result.

ServerException - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func SendImportRequest

func SendImportRequest(config map[string]string) (msg interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)

SendImportRequest - Internally used for Import data.

Send request to the server and get response.

func SendRequest

func SendRequest(config map[string]string, isreturn bool) (msg interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)

SendRequest - Internally used for send request.

Send request to the server and get response.

func SetAuthToken

func SetAuthToken(authtoken string)

SetAuthToken - Set an authtoken for the specified user.

authtoken - The authtoken for the user.

func ShowColumn

func ShowColumn(tableuri string, columnnames []string, params map[string]string) (result interface{}, SeErr *ServerException)

ShowColumn - Show the hidden columns in the particular table.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

columnnames - Contains array of column names.

params - Can contain any additional params.

result - Returns Generated result as interface.

ServerException - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func UrlSplCharReplace

func UrlSplCharReplace(value string) string

Internally used. For handling special char's in the database name or table name.

type ImportResult

type ImportResult struct {
    ImportErrors        string
    ColumnDetails       interface{}
    ImportType          string
    Warnings            float64
    SelectedColumnCount float64
    SuccessRowCount     float64
    ImportOperation     string
    TotalColumnCount    float64
    TotalRowCount       float64

ImportResult - It contains the result of an import operation.

ImportErrors - The first 100 import errors.

ColumnDetails - The column names of the imported columns.

ImportType - The type of the import operation.

Warnings - The number of rows that were imported with warnings.

SelectedColumnCount - The number of columns that were imported.See ZOHO_SELECTED_COLUMNS parameter.

SuccessRowCount - The number of rows that were imported successfully without errors.

ImportOperation - The type of import operation.

TotalColumnCount - The total columns that were present in the imported file.

TotalRowCount - The total row count in the imported file.

func ImportData

func ImportData(tableuri, file, importtype, autoidentity, onerror string, params map[string]string) (ImportResult, *ServerException)

ImportData - Import the data contained in a given file into the table identified by the URI.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

file - The file containing the data to be imported into the table.

importtype - The type of import.

autoidentity - Used to specify whether to auto identify the CSV format.

onerror - This parameter controls the action to be taken incase there is an error during import.

params - Contains any additional control parameters. Can be null.

ImportResult - Structure pointer for the import result.

ServerException - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

type PlanInfo

type PlanInfo struct {
    Plan         string
    Addons       string
    BillingDate  string
    RowsAllowed  string
    RowsUsed     string
    TrialAvailed string
    TrialPlan    string
    TrialStatus  string
    TrialEndDate string

PlanInfo - It contains the plan details.

Plan - The type of the user plan.

Addons - The addon details.

BillingDate - The billing date.

RowsAllowed - The total rows allowed to the user.

RowsUsed - The number of rows used by the user.

TrialAvailed - Used to identify the trial pack.

TrialPlan - The trial plan detail.

TrialStatus - The trial plan status.

TrialEndDate - The end date of the trial plan.

func GetPlanInfo

func GetPlanInfo(useruri string) (PlanInfo, *ServerException)

GetPlanInfo - Get the plan information.

useruri - The URI of the user.

PlanInfo - Returns planinfo structure pointer.

ServerException - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

type ServerException

type ServerException struct {
    ErrorCode      float64
    ErrorMessage   string
    HttpStatusCode int
    Action         string

ServerException - ServerException is thrown if the report server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

ErrorCode - The error code sent by the server.

ErrorMessage - The error message sent by the server.

HttpStatusCode - The http status code for the request.

Action - The action to be performed over the resource specified by the uri.

func ActivateUser

func ActivateUser(useruri, emailIds string) (SeErr *ServerException)

ActivateUser - Activate the specified user(s) in your Zoho Reports Account.

useruri - The URI of the user.

emailIds - The email addresses of the users to be activated in your Zoho Reports Account separated by comma.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func AddColumn

func AddColumn(tableuri, columnname, datatype string) (SeErr *ServerException)

AddColumn - Adds a column to the specified table identified by the URI.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

columnname - Contains the name of the column to be added.

datatype - Contains the datatype of the column to be added.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func AddDbOwner

func AddDbOwner(dburi, emailIds string, params map[string]string) (SeErr *ServerException)

AddDbOwner - This method is used to add new users as owner to the reports database.

dburi - The URI of the database.

emailIds - It contains the users email-id.

params - Contains any additional control parameters. Can be null.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func AddLookup

func AddLookup(tableuri, columnname, refertable, refercolumn, onerror string) (SeErr *ServerException)

AddLookup - Add the lookup for the given column.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

columnname - Name of the column (Child column).

refertable - Name of the referred table (parent table).

refercolumn - Name of the referred column (parent column).

onerror - This parameter controls the action to be taken incase there is an error during lookup.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func AddUser

func AddUser(useruri, emailIds string) (SeErr *ServerException)

AddUser - Add the specified user(s) into your Zoho Reports Account.

useruri - The URI of the user.

emailIds - The email addresses of the users to be added to your Zoho Reports Account separated by comma.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func CopyFormula

func CopyFormula(tableuri, formulaname, dbname, dbkey string) (SeErr *ServerException)

CopyFormula - The Copy Formula API is used to copy one or more formula columns from one table to another within the same database or across databases and even across one user account to another.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

formulaname - This parameter holds the list of formula names.

dbname - The database name where the formula's had to be copied.

dbkey - The secret key used for allowing the user to copy the formula.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func CopyReports

func CopyReports(dburi, viewname, dbname, dbkey string) (SeErr *ServerException)

CopyReports - The Copy Reports API is used to copy one or more reports from one database to another within the same account or even across user accounts.

dburi - The URI of the database.

viewname - This parameter holds the list of view names.

dbname - The database name where the report's had to be copied.

dbkey - The secret key used for allowing the user to copy the reports.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func CreateTable

func CreateTable(dburi, tableconfig string) (SeErr *ServerException)

CreateTable - Create a table in the specified database.

dburi - The URI of the database.

tableconfig - Table structure in JSON format (includes table name, description, folder name, column and lookup details, is system table).

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func DeActivateUser

func DeActivateUser(useruri, emailIds string) (SeErr *ServerException)

DeActivateUser - Deactivate the specified user(s) in your Zoho Reports Account.

useruri - The URI of the user.

emailIds - The email addresses of the users to be deactivated in your Zoho Reports Account separated by comma.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func DeleteColumn

func DeleteColumn(tableuri, columnname string) (SeErr *ServerException)

DeleteColumn - Delete the column in the specified table identified by the URI.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

columnname - Contains the name of the column to be deleted.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func DeleteData

func DeleteData(tableuri string, params map[string]string) (SeErr *ServerException)

DeleteData - Delete the data in the specified table identified by the URI.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

params - Contains any additional control parameters. Can be null.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func DeleteDatabase

func DeleteDatabase(useruri, dbname string) (SeErr *ServerException)

DeleteDatabase - Delete a specified database from a Zoho Reports Account.

useruri - The URI of the user.

dbname - The name of the database to be deleted from the Zoho Reports Account.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func ExportData

func ExportData(tableuri, file, outputformat string, params map[string]string) (SeErr *ServerException)

ExportData - Exports the data/report of table (or report) identified by the URI.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

file - The name of the file.

outputformat - The format in which the data is to be exported.

params - Contains any additional control parameters. Can be null.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func RemoveDbOwner

func RemoveDbOwner(dburi, emailIds string, params map[string]string) (SeErr *ServerException)

RemoveDbOwner - This method is used to remove the existing owners from the reports database.

dburi - The URI of the database.

emailIds - It contains the users email-id.

params - Contains any additional control parameters. Can be null.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func RemoveLookup

func RemoveLookup(tableuri, columnname string) (SeErr *ServerException)

RemoveLookup - Remove the lookup for the given column.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

columnname - Name of the column.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func RemoveShare

func RemoveShare(dburi, emailIds string, params map[string]string) (SeErr *ServerException)

RemoveShare - This method is used to remove the shared views (tables/reports/dashboards) in Zoho Reports from the users.

dburi - The URI of the database.

emailIds - It contains the owners email-id.

params - Contains any additional control parameters. Can be null.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func RemoveUser

func RemoveUser(useruri, emailIds string) (SeErr *ServerException)

RemoveUser - Remove the specified user(s) from your Zoho Reports Account.

useruri - The URI of the user.

emailIds - The email addresses of the users to be removed from your Zoho Reports Account separated by comma.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func RenameColumn

func RenameColumn(tableuri, olcolumnname, newcolumnname string) (SeErr *ServerException)

RenameColumn - Rename the column in the specified table identified by the URI.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

olcolumnname - Contains the name of the column to be modified.

newcolumnname - Contains the new column name.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func RenameView

func RenameView(dburi, viewname, newviewname, newdesc string) (SeErr *ServerException)

RenameView - Rename the specified view with the new name and description.

dburi - The URI of the database.

viewname - Current name of the view.

newviewname - New name for the view.

newdesc - New description for the view.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func ShareView

func ShareView(dburi, emailIds, views string, params map[string]string) (SeErr *ServerException)

ShareView - This method is used to share the views (tables/reports/dashboards) created in Zoho Reports with users.

dburi - The URI of the database.

emailIds - It contains the owners email-id.

views - It contains the view names.

params - Contains any additional control parameters. Can be null.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

func UpdateData

func UpdateData(tableuri string, params map[string]string) (SeErr *ServerException)

UpdateData - Update the data in the specified table identified by the URI.

tableuri - The URI of the table.

params - Contains any additional control parameters. Can be null.

SeErr - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.

type ShareInfo

type ShareInfo struct {
    AdminMembers interface{}
    GroupMembers interface{}
    SharedUsers  interface{}
    UserInfo     interface{}
    GroupInfo    interface{}
    PublicInfo   interface{}
    PrivateInfo  interface{}

ShareInfo - It contains the database shared details.

AdminMembers - Owners of the database.

GroupMembers - Group Members of the database.

SharedUsers - Shared Users of the database.

UserInfo - The PermissionInfo for the shared user.

GroupInfo - The PermissionInfo for the groups.

PublicInfo - The PermissionInfo for the public link.

PrivateInfo - The PermissionInfo for the private link.

func GetShareInfo

func GetShareInfo(dburi string) (ShareInfo, *ServerException)

GetShareInfo - Get the sharing information of the database.

dburi - The URI of the database.

ShareInfo - Returns shareinfo structure pointer.

ServerException - Throws a server exception. If the server has recieved the request but did not process the request due to some error.