Quick Tour
Once you have setup your Zoho Advanced Analytics app, you will be navigated to the Zoho Advanced Analytics homepage. Your Zoho Advanced Analytics journey starts from here.
The presentation below provides an introduction to Zoho Advanced Analytics. Come let's take a quick tour.
Basic Concepts
Your dataset in Zoho Advanced Analytics will be available as Tables. These tables contain the actual data that needs to be analyzed.
A table is similar to a spreadsheet and consists of columns and rows. Each column has a name and a type (data type) associated with it.
If you wish to define a logical relationship between two different data tables, you can easily do so by creating a lookup. Once this is done you can create any type of report, using the columns from the tables. You can also create formula columns and aggregate formulas over your table.
Query table is a feature that enables you to create specific data views for easy reporting and analysis. You can create query tables for use cases like batching data together (union), transform data, apply SQL query functions etc.
You can create query tables using the standard SQL queries. The Zoho Advanced Analytics currently supports SQL queries written in Oracle, SQL Server, IBM DB2, MySQL, Sybase, Informix, PostgreSQL, and ANSI SQL dialects.
Formulas are calculations that help you derive key business metrics that can be used in reporting and analysis. Zoho Advanced Analytics provides a powerful formula engine to create any type of calculations required to assist in creating the required reports.
Zoho Advanced Analytics supports two different types of formulas:
Formula Columns: These are formula types that will help you add a new column to your data table. The values are derived based on the calculation/formula defined. The output of the formula adds a new column in the table.
Aggregate Formulas: These formula types use aggregate functions (SUM, AVG.. etc.) in the calculation. These are typically used to derive business metrics. The result of Aggregate Formulas will not be added as another column in the base table, but they can only be used while creating reports.
Zoho Advanced Analytics offers a wide variety of reporting options such as Charts, Pivot Tables, Summary Views, and Tabular Views. This enables you to easily analyze your data and derive great insights.
A report can be created by combining data columns from one or more tables. Also, creating reports is made easy using the intuitive drag and drop interface of the Zoho Advanced Analytics. Learn more.
A dashboard is an effective way of organizing reports into a single page to have a quick insight into the key metrics at a glance. The Zoho Advanced Analytics provides a simple & intuitive drag and drop interface for creating dashboards in minutes.
There are also offers various options to customize your dashboards such as add KPI widget, images, and change your dashboard themes to tailor your needs. Learn more.