Prebuilt Analytics using Shopify
Zoho Advanced Analytics app provides you in-depth e-commerce analytics on your store data in Shopify. With this connector, you can effectively track key business metrics such as product performance, shipment handling, customer preferences, order transactions, inventory management, and many more...
This app is bundled with 100+ pre-built reports and dashboards which give deep insights over your store data in great detail.
- In what format will my Shopify data appear in the Zoho Advanced Analytics?
- What are the default reports and dashboards offered with this app?
- What are the default formulas available on setting up this app?
- Can I create my own reports in the Zoho Advanced Analytics app?
- Can I create my own query tables?
- Can I create my own custom formulas in the Zoho Advanced Analytics app?
- Can I add new data tables in this app to create reports & dashboards?
- Can I combine data from other sources with the data from Shopify to create reports and dashboards?
- Can I join data from multiple tables to create reports?
1. In what format will my Shopify data appear in Zoho Advanced Analytics?
Your Shopify data will be segregated into tables for easy analysis purposes. Each table in your Zoho Advanced Analytics Home page represents a module and each column in the table represents the fields on which you can create views.
The following data modules will be automatically synced to your Zoho Advanced Analytics app:
Module | Fields |
Shop | Shop ID, Store Name, Email ID, Store Domain, Phone, Primary Locale, Created At, Updated At, Currency, Customer Email, TimeZone, Store Owner, Money Format, Weight Unit, Taxes Included, Tax Shipping, County Taxes, Plan Name, Has Discounts, Has GiftCards, Shopify Domain, Google Apps Domain, Eligible For Payments, Requires Extra Payments, Password Enabled, Has StoreFront, Finances, Primary Location ID, Checkout API Support, Multi Location Enabled, Setup Required, Force SSL, Pre Launch Enabled |
Customer | Customer ID, Email, Accepts Marketing, Created At, Updated At, First Name, Last Name, State, Note, Verified Email, Multipass Identifier, Tax Exempt, Phone, Tags, Currency, isDefault Address ID |
Customer Address | Address ID, Customer ID, First Name, Last Name, Company, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, Province, Country, ZIP, Phone, isDefault |
Product | Product ID, Product Name, HTML Body, Vendor, Product Type, Created At, Handle, Updated At, Published At, Template Suffix, Tags, Published Scope |
Product Variants | Variant ID, Product ID, Variant Name, Price, SKU, Position, Inventory Policy, Compare At Price, Fulfillment Service, Inventory Management, Created At, Updated At, Taxable, Barcode, Weight in grams, Inventory Item ID, Inventory Quantity, Requires Shipping |
Discounts | Discount ID, Value Type, Value, Customer Selection, Target Type, Target Selection, Allocation Method, Allocation Limit, Once Per Customer, Usage Limit, Starts At, Ends At, Created At, Updated At, Code, Prerequisite Quantity, Entitled Quantity, Prerequisite Quantity Range, Prerequisite Subtotal Range, Prerequisite Shipping Range |
Discount Entitled Products | Discount ID, Product ID |
Discount Entitled Collections | Discount ID, Collection ID |
Discount Entitled Country | Discount ID, Country ID |
Discount Entitled Variants | Discount ID, Variant ID |
Discount Prerequisite Collection | Discount ID, Collection ID |
Discount Prerequisite Customers | Discount ID, Customer ID |
Discount Prerequisite Product | Discount ID, Product ID |
Discount Prerequisite Saved Searches | Discount ID, Saved Search ID |
Discount Prerequisite Variants | Discount ID, Variant ID |
Order | Order ID, Email, Closed At, Created At, Updated At, Number, Note, Token, Gateway, Total Price, Subtotal Price, Total weight, Total Tax, Tax Included, Currency, Financial Status, Confirmed, Total Discount, Total Line Items Price, Cart Token, Accepts Marketing, Name, Referring Site, Landing Site, Canceled At, Cancel Reason, Total Price USD, Checkout Token, Reference, User ID, Location ID, Source Identifier, Source URL, Processed At, Device ID, Customer Locale, App ID, Landing Site Ref, Order Number, Customer ID, Payment Gateways, Processing Method, Source Name, Fulfillment Status, Tags, Contact Email, Order Status URL, Presentment Currency, Total Line Items Price Shop Amount, Total Line Items Price Shop Currency, Total Line Items Presentment Currency, Total Line Items Presentment Amount, Total Discount Shop Currency, Total Shipping Presentment Currency, Total Shipping Presentment Amount, Subtotal Price Set Shop Amount, Subtotal Price Set Shop Currency, Subtotal Price Set Presentment Currency, Subtotal Price Set Presentment Amount, Total Price Shop Amount, Total Price Shop Currency, Total Price Presentment Currency, Total Price Presentment Amount, Total Tip Received, Billing First Name, Billing Address Line 1, Billing Phone, Billing City, Billing Zip, Billing Province, Billing Country, Billing Last Name, Billing Address Line 2, Billing Company, Billing Latitude, Billing Longitude, Shipping First Name, Shipping Address Line 1, Shipping Phone, Shipping City, Shipping Zip, Shipping Province, Shipping Country, Shipping Last Name, Shipping Address Line 2, Shipping Company, Shipping Latitude, Shipping Longitude, Client Browser IP, Client Accept Language, Client User Agent, Client Session Hash |
Order Line Items | Line Item ID, Order ID, Variant ID, Title, Quantity, Price, SKU, Vendor, Fulfillment Service, Product ID, Requires Shipping, Taxable, Gift Card, Variant Inventory Management, Product Exists, Fulfillable Quantity, Weight, Total Discount, Fulfillment Status, Price Shop Money, Price Presentment Money, Price Shop Currency, Price Presentment Currency, Discount Shop Money, Discount Presentment Money, Discount Shop Currency, Discount Presentment Currency |
Order Line Item Properties | Order ID, Order Line Item ID, Name, Value |
Order Line Items Tax | Lines Order ID, Order Line Item ID, Title, Price, Rate, Tax Shop Amount, Tax Presentment Amount, Tax Shop Currency, Tax Presentment Currency |
Order Note Attributes | Order ID, Name, Value |
Order Line Items Discount Allocations | Order ID, Order Line Item ID, Amount, Amount Shop Money, Amount Shop Currency, Amount Presentment Money, Amount Presentment Currency, Discount Application Index |
Order Discount Applications | Order ID, Discount Allocation ID, Type, Value, Value Type, Allocation Method, Target Selection, Target Type, Code, Description |
Order Shipping Lines Shipping | Line ID, Order ID, Price, Code, Source, Phone, Title, Requested Fulfillment Service ID, Discounted Price, Price set Shop Money, Price set Presentment Money, Price set Shop Currency, Price set Presentment Currency, Discount set Shop Money, Discount set Presentment Money, Discount set Shop Currency, Discount set Presentment Currency, Carrier Identifier |
Order Shipping Line Tax Lines | Order ID, Order Line Item ID, Title, Price, Rate, Tax Shop Amount, Tax Presentment Amount, Tax Shop Currency, Tax Presentment Currency |
Fulfillments | FulFillment ID, Order ID, Status, Created At, Updated At, Service, Tracking Company, Shipment Status, Location ID, Tracking Number, Tracking URL, Name, Testcase, Authorization |
Fulfillments Line Items | Order ID, Fulfillment ID, Line Item ID, Variant ID, Title, Quantity, Price, SKU, Vendor, Fulfillment Service, Product ID, Requires Shipping, Taxable, Gift Card, Variant Inventory Management, Product Exists, Fulfillable Quantity, Weight, Total Discount, Fulfillment Status, Price Shop Money, Price Presentment Money, Price Shop Currency, Price Presentment Currency, Discount Shop Money, Discount Presentment Money, Discount Shop Currency, Discount Presentment Currency |
Fulfillment Tracking Numbers | Order ID, Fulfillment ID, Tracking Number |
Fulfillment Tracking URLs | Order ID, Fulfillment ID, Tracking URL |
Smart Collections | Smart Collection ID, Collection Name, Collection Handle, Updated At, HTML Body, Published At, Sort Order, Template Suffix, Disjunctive, Published Scope |
Collections | Collection ID, Collection Name, Collection Handle, Updated At, HTML Body, Published At, Sort Order, Template Suffix, Published Scope |
Refunds | Refund ID, Order ID, Created At, Note, User ID, Processed At, Restock |
Refund Order Adjustments Order | Adjustment ID, Order ID, Refund ID, Amount, Tax Amount, Kind, Reason, Amount Shop money, Amount Shop currency, Amount Presentment money, Amount Presentment currency, Tax Shop money, Tax Shop currency, Tax Presentment money, Tax Presentment currency |
Order Transactions | Transaction ID, Order ID, Kind, Gateway, Status, Message, Created At, Test, Authorization, Location ID, User ID, Parent ID, Processed At, Device ID, Source Name, Amount, Currency, Refund ID |
Refund Line Items | Order ID, Refund Line Item ID, Refund ID, Quantity, Order Line Item ID, Location ID, Restock Type, Subtotal, Total Tax, Subtotal Shop Money, Subtotal Shop Currency, Subtotal Presentment Money, Subtotal Presentment Currency, Total Tax Shop Money, Total Tax Shop Currency, Total Presentment Money, Total Presentment Currency |
Order Line Items Discount Allocations | Order ID, Order Line Item ID, Amount, Amount Shop Money, Amount Shop Currency, Amount Presentment Money, Amount Presentment Currency, Discount Application Index |
Tender Transactions | Transaction ID, Order ID, Amount, Currency, User ID, Test, Processed At, Remote Reference, Payment Method, Payment Credit Card Number, Payment Card Company |
Collection Products | ID, Collection ID, Product ID, Created At,Updated At, Position, Sort Value |
Events | Event ID, Subject ID, Created At, Subject Type, Action, Body, Message, Author, Description, Path |
Countries | Country ID, Name, Tax, Tax Name, Code |
Shop Location | Location ID, Shop Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, ZIP, Province, Country, Phone, Created At, Updated At, Legacy, Active |
Provinces | Country ID, Province ID, Name, Tax, Tax Name, Code, Tax Type, Tax Percentage |
Draft Orders | Draft Order ID, Note, Email, Taxes Included, Currency, Subtotal Price, Total Tax, Total Price, Invoice Sent At, Created At, Updated At, Tax Exempt, Completed At, Name, Status, Shipping First Name, Shipping Address Line 1, Shipping Phone, Shipping City, Shipping Zip, Shipping Province, Shipping Country, Shipping Last Name, Shipping Address Line 2, Shipping Company, Shipping Latitude, Shipping Longitude, Billing First Name, Billing Address Line 1, Billing Phone, Billing City, Billing Zip, Billing Province, Billing Country, Billing Last Name, Billing Address Line 2, Billing Company, Billing Latitude, Billing Longitude, Invoice URL, Applied Discount Description, Applied Discount Value, Applied Discount Title, Applied Discount Amount, Applied Discount Value Type, Order ID, Shipping Line Handle, Shipping Line Title, Shipping Line Price, Shipping Line Custom, Tags, Customer ID |
Draft Order Line Items | Draft Order Line Item ID, Draft Order ID, Variant ID, Product ID, Title, SKU, Vendor, Price, Quantity, Requires Shipping, Taxable, Gift Card, Fulfillment Service, Weight, Name, Custom, Applied Discount Title, Applied Discount Description, Applied Discount Value, Applied Discount Value Type, Applied Discount Amount |
Draft Order Tax Lines Draft | Order ID, Title, Price, Rate |
Draft Order Note Attributes | Draft Order ID, Name, Value |
Draft Order Line Items Tax Lines | Draft Order Line Item ID, Price, Title, Rate, Draft Order ID |
Draft Order Line Item Properties | Draft Order Line Item ID, Name, Value, Draft Order ID |
Customer Saved Searches | Saved Search ID, Name, Created At, Updated At, Query |
Abandoned Checkouts | Checkout ID, Token, Cart Token, Email, Gateway, Accepts Marketing, Created At, Updated At, Landing Site, Note, Referring Site, Is Taxes Included, Total Weight, Currency, Completed At, Closed At, User ID, Location ID, Source Identifier, Source URL, Device ID, Phone, Customer Locale, Name, Source, Abandoned Checkout URL, Source Name, PResentment Currency, Total Discount, Total Line Item Price, Total Price, Total Tax, Subtotal Price, Billing First Name, Billing Address Line 1, Billing Phone, Billing City, Billing Zip, Billing Province, Billing Country, Billing Last Name, Billing Address Line 2, Billing Company, Billing Latitude, Billing Longitude, Shipping First Name, Shipping Address Line 1, Shipping Phone, Shipping City, Shipping Zip, Shipping Province, Shipping Country, Shipping Last Name, Shipping Address Line 2, Shipping Company, Shipping Latitude, Shipping Longitude |
Abandoned Checkout Note Attributes | Checkout ID, Name, Value |
Abandoned Checkout Shipping Lines | Checkout ID, Code, Price, Source, Checkout Shipping Line ID |
Abandoned Checkout Line Items | Checkout ID, Key, Line Item ID, Destination Location ID, Fulfillment Service, Is Gift Card, Weight, Origin Location ID, Product ID, Quantity, Requires Shipping, SKU, Is Taxable, Title, Variant ID |
Abandoned Checkout Discount Codes | Checkout ID, Code, Amount, Discount Type |
Abandoned Checkout Tax Lines | Checkout ID, Price, Rate, Title |
Abandoned Checkout Line Items Tax Lines | Checkout ID, Checkout Line Item ID, Price, Position, Rate, Title, Source, Zone, Compare At |
Abandoned Checkout Line Items Applied Discounts | Checkout ID, Checkout Line Item ID, Discount ID, Description, Created At, Amount |
Abandoned Checkout Line Items Properties | Checkout ID, Checkout Line Item ID, Name, Value Billing First Name |
2. What are the default reports & dashboards created by this app?
When you setup/configure the Zoho Advanced Analytics Connector, 100+ default reports & dashboards are automatically created. These hand-picked reports will provide you with in-depth details about the product.
The listicle below lists the offered pre-built reports and dashboards in Zoho Advanced Analytics.
3. What are the default formulas available on setting up this app?
Formulas, as the name indicates, are calculations that help you derive key business metrics that can be used for reporting and analysis. Zoho Analytics provides a powerful formula engine to create any type of calculations required, to enable creating the required reports.
Refer to Adding Formulas in Zoho Advanced Analytics to know more.
4. Can I create my own reports in the Zoho Advanced Analytics app?
Yes, you can create your desired reports in Zoho Advanced Analytics. Refer Create Your Own section to know more.
5. Can I create my own query tables?
Yes, you can create your own query tables to combine data from one or more tables and create specific data views using the standard SQL SELECT queries. Refer to Query Tables section to know more.
6. Can I create my own custom formulas in the Zoho Advanced Analytics?
Yes, you can create your own formulas and achieve desired calculations and output using our advanced formula engine. Refer to Adding Formulas section to know more.
7. Can I add new data tables in this app to create reports & dashboards?
Yes, you can add new data tables. Click Create > New Table/Import Data to add a new table alongside the existing tables in your home page.
8. Can I combine data from other sources with the data from Shopify to create reports and dashboards?
Yes, you can combine your Shopify data with the data available on your files and feeds.
9. Can I join data from multiple tables to create reports?
Yes, you can join the data from multiple tables to create reports in the Zoho Advanced Analytics. By default, all your tables will be auto-joined. You can also establish a connection between multiple tables, using our look-up columns feature.