
What is the life cycle of an invoice in Zoho Books?

An invoice in Zoho Books moves through various stages from the time of creation to getting paid. This is tracked in Zoho Books using an invoice’s status, which will help you understand the current state of your invoice, and decide the next course of action.

The following diagram depicts the basic life cycle of an invoice in Zoho Books.

invoice life cycle
Status Occurs When
Draft The invoice has been created and saved successfully with all the essential details.
Sent The invoice has been sent to customers, or has been marked as Sent.
Unpaid The invoice has been sent to customers, but the payment is yet to be received. This includes all invoices that are Overdue and Partially Paid.
Overdue The invoice is past its Due Date, but the payment has not been received.
Partially Paid A part of the invoice Total has been paid, but there’s still some Balance Due.
Paid The invoice Total has been completely paid, either through online or offline payments.
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