This doesn't look good for web designers and programmers. @leenij

A surprisingly elegant and simple web builder experience, nice work. @bhousman

A child can build a site with new Zoho Sites. @EZSteven

Zoho Sites is essentially a simplified hosted Web Content Management tool for SMBs.

Zoho Sites, a drag-and-drop site builder that requires no expert CSS or HTML knowledge. @orangecollar

Who needs coding experience when you have sweet tools like @Zoho Sites. @thatsoundedb

Zoho Sites is a nice alternative to other web site builders. David Andrade

I'd say I know the CMS space pretty well, and Zoho Sites is simple and slick. @settestad

A great site for creating a stunning looking webpage. @dkapuler

Wohoo didn't know that #Zoho has something like this too. Should be of a great help to small business owners. @SuvishV

Making websites just got waaaaaay easier, everyone should have a website after this. @studioSSAMO

After using Zoho Sites for 10 min...two thumbs up. I have ideas for future needs. @settestad

It’s sure Easy To Build A Website With The New Zoho Site. @lsinrc