Create Secure Forms Online

Your privacy is important to us, and data security is our top priority.

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Certifying data security with SSL

Ensure your respondents stay secure using the forms on our authenticated website and within an encrypted connection. Our SSL certification guarantees that all data, such as names, phone numbers, and addresses, remains safe.

Share easily accessible

Protecting privacy with GDPR-compliant forms

Our forms are designed to provide data security to customers in the EU as well as worldwide. With updated security components in our forms, we've made amendments to our Privacy Policy so your data is always safe with us.

Embed forms

Securing sensitive information with encryption

Add an extra layer of security to respondent data by enabling field-level encryption in your forms. The encryption allows only authenticated users to access the secured data and masks the encrypted content during downloading and report printing.

Collect data

Shield with reCAPTCHA

Zoho Forms has a built-in CAPTCHA and supports various versions of Google's reCAPTCHA to identify specific traits that people have and machines do not, an effective preventive security measure against spam, bots, or DOS attacks.

Collect data Collect data

Audit form edits

Track changes made in a form by keeping record of who is making modifications and the date/time of each modification with the help of Form Audit. Avoid mistakes while working collaboratively on a form with your team.

unique identity

Go professional with custom domains

Map your custom domain to your public forms to promote your brand and establish authority and credibility in the eyes of your respondents.

unique identity unique identity

Improve email delivery rates with DKIM

Use DKIM-authenticated domains and ensure that your email notifications from Zoho Forms are delivered to the intended recipients without being tampered with during transit.

unique identity